Getting Started
Setting Up your Environment
Installing Android Studio Locally
Create a Virtual Device
Installing Necessary Java JDK
Setup and Installing Vs Code
Installing Flutter on our System
Create your First App and Run on a Virtual Device
Additional Setup for Developing Windows Desktop Application
Dart Programming - An Introduction
Dart Setup ( Local and Online ) and Hello World
Datatypes in Dart Programming
Operators in Dart Programming
If Else , Switch Operator in Dart Programming
Loops in Dart Programming
Arrays and Lists in Dart Programming
Dictionaries ( Map ) in Dart Programming
Understand NULL Safety in Dart Programming
Functions in Dart Programming
Object Oriented Programming in Dart Programming | Classes, Objects etc
Flutter - The Very Basics
Creating an App and Understanding File Structure
Create an App and Understand About Material App and Scaffold
Text Widget - Display Data on Screen
Utility Widgets in Flutter and Centering Content
Buttons in Flutter and Use Multiple Widgets
State Management and Introduction to Stateful widgets
How to use colors in Flutter
Useful Utilities in Flutter
The Center Widget
How to use padding in Flutter
Containers in Flutter - A useful widget to know
Sizedbox - Adding an Empty Widget
Dynamic Width and heights - The Expanded and Flexible Widget
Building Layouts in Fluter
Column Layouts using Column Widget
Row layout using Row Widget
Using Rows and Column Together
Using Align Widget
Single Child Scroll View to Create Scrollable Layouts
Listview Widget - Auto Scrolling Content
Stack Widget - Widget on top of Another Widget
GridView Widget - Creating Grid layouts
Using Custom Icons, Fonts, Images in Flutter
Using Icons in flutter
Using Assets such as Images
Custom Font - Decorate your Texts
Theming in Flutter - A Basic Introduction
Widgets Widgets Everywhere
The one about the Card Widget
The One Where we deep dive in Scaffold and Appbar
The One about Drawers and End Drawers
The One about Tabs, Tabbar and Tabview
The One about Floating Action Button
The One about Listtile Widget
The One about working with Tables
The One about Bottom Nav Bar
Input, Forms and Validation
Text Fields - Input Data in Flutter
Using Radios, Checkbox and Dropdowns
Custom Validation for Inputs
Validations for Inputs - A Must Needed Knowledge
Intro to MediaQuery and Responsiveness
Intro to MediaQuery - Responsive Width and height
Let's Create a Responsive Form
Navigations & Passing Data - From Page A to Page B
Push - Go to Another Page
Pop - Come back to previous Page
Push Replacement - Go to Another page but Don't Come Back
Go to Another Page and Remove all Previous Pages
Passing data to a Stateless Widget
Customize Transition for Page Push and POP
Using Localstorage in Flutter
Using SharedPreferences to Store Small Data
PROJECT - TODO App using SQflite Part 1
PROJECT - TODO App using SQFlite - Part 2
Notify users - Toasts and Snackbars
Using toasts to show Notifications
Using Snackbars in Flutter
Dialogs, Alert Dialog, Loaders in Flutter
Let's add a Simple backend - HTTP API Calls
So what is an API ?
Let's Understand JSON
Using Postman to Test and Understand API
How to make a GET Request and Show Data
Make PUT and POST Request in Flutter
Preview - Learn Flutter in Hindi - Master App Development Building 10 Projects
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